Three Weeks Old

Hasn't she changed? She weighed 6 lbs 10 ozs at 3 weeks old. A day in the life of a 3 week old Clio starts around 6am. Sometimes she likes to snooze until about 7am but 7-10am is her most alert time. That's when she gets her baby massage, is read a book or spends some time on her tummy. After lunch we head out for a stroll - Clio sleeps through most of it and if she's not asleep starting out, she's out cold by the time we get back. Roxy took to walking beside the stroller after only a couple of walks so getting out and about has become a routine we all like. Clio is upto sleeping at least 3 hours between feeds during the day (we've even had a couple of 4 hours stretches) and sleeps for 2 hours between feeds at night. She sleeps in her papasan (baby chair) or on her Mammy during the day, snuggles with her Dad in the evening and then it's into the cot for the night. We've started to dress her for bed just before her 9/10pm feed as Chalene and Debbie sent us some PJ's that fit her. Unless Clio has a lot of wind she is a great little baby, very easy to calm and put to sleep and is happy to cuddle for hours on end. The gas does give her a lot of trouble every now and again and then it's a lot harder to settle her down and she doesn't sleep for very long - luckily that has only happened a couple of times. It's hard to believe she's been here 3 weeks - it's been wonderful. We've been out to dinner a couple of times and we've been to the supermarket - her world gets a bit bigger every week.
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