Happy Three Month Birthday Cliona

Most of all she liked lying on the blanket kicking her feet. Lately she really likes to be able to kick her legs and her newest thing is pretending to stand - she loves that. She is smiling at everyone now and has laughed a couple of times. She greets us every morning with lots of smiles, she is still most active and happy first thing in the morning. She wakes early but is happy to lie in her crib and talk to her mobile. We usually feed her around 7:30am and then she spends some time on her activity mat. That's where she gets to practice being on her tummy though it usually only lasts a couple of minutes before she wants to be flipped onto her back. Then it's naptime for Clio and walk time for Roxy and I. We like to get out for an hour or so and by the time we get back, it's feeding time again. Clio and I have been having one day in and the next out so if it's an in day we play - maybe read a book, pretend to stand and bounce. Recently she has been able to hold onto a rattle and she can hit some of the toys hanging in her bouncer. That takes a lot of concentration though and she's only got the left hand down so far. Maybe she will be left-handed like me. All that stimulation takes a lot out of a little baby and she usually falls asleep in her bouncer for a couple of hours in the afternoon. After her afternoon feed it's time to take Roxy out again which somtimes coincides with Stephen coming home from work so we get to take a family stroll. Then Stephen plays with her for an hour or so and then it's time for bath, massage, snack and bed. The out days are pretty similar except that we go out for lunch or do a bit of shopping. Clio loves going to new places and, like a lot of babies, she falls asleep in the car. Happy 3 month birthday Cliona, it's been the best three months ever.
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