Friday, January 18, 2008

Big Bear with the Parish Philps Jan10th-12th

First I have to mention that on thursday morning we were going through the usual 'I don't want to go to school' saga when Stephen asked Cliona WHY she didn't want to go. Usually she has a hard time with the why line of questioning but this morning she was all ready for it. 'Cause I'm sick'! I know, I know - another 'Can you believe it? She's only 2' scenario. Luckily she does actually like being at school and so she ended up having a great day. That evening we headed up to Big Bear to meet up with Gk & Kerry. There is still a lot of snow in the garden and of course the girls were dying to get into it so we bundled them up and Cliona and Avery got to have their first snowball fight. Fortunately their aim was pretty bad because the snow was really crusty and hard. We couldn't even build a snowman. We did bring the girls sledding and then skiing the next day and they both did great. The chair lift was the highlight again - they really like that part.

This weekend we'll be staying local. Cliona's swing arrived so I predict a lot of time will be spent in the back garden :)
For swing pics and sledding video goto snapfish - this LINK should get you there.


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