June 2010
Our little baby Brian is full of smiles these days. He's still talking and cooing and we have even got a couple of laughs out of him recently. It's all thanks to his big sister! We were at the park and Stephen was on a swing with Brian when he started to laugh. We thought it was the swing that was making him laugh but it turned out to be Clio's giggles. Brian has also started grabbing and hitting the toys hanging on his bouncer. He especially likes to grab burp cloths and put them in his mouth. He still isn't ready for holding and playing with toys yet - he can hold a toy but after he gets it to his mouth he drops it quickly and can't pick it back up. He loves to be read books during the day but is not too fond of bedtime stories. We are still swaddling him so our bedtime routine is swaddle, nurse, sleep. Then I either put him in his crib or let him swing for a while if I feel he's not quite asleep. If there is one thing that Brian dislikes, it's tummy time. Sometimes he will tolerate it for a minute but only if you are smiling at him or engaging him. Otherwise he cries after a few seconds. It's strange as he has great head control and is a very strong little lad so you would think that he'd find pushing up on his hands easy. Oh well, he'll get it when he's ready.
Cliona is still all about her buddy Mac. We had her little group of friends over for a play date and she had a brilliant time dressing up, playing on the swings and jumping on the trampoline. For Fathers Day we went to the ice ring and herself and Stephen had a great time on the ice. My favorite was Clio hanging onto Stephens back pockets while he skated.
Otherwise we've stayed fairly close to home the last few weeks. Clio is really into her roller skates so after dinner we like to go the little park. It's not even 1/2 mile away and it's slightly uphill on the way so Clio hangs onto our hands and is pulled up. Once we get there, she does a little skating on her own and then we all play hide-and-seek in the grass. Yes, Cliona keeps her skates on and I am pushing Brian in the stroller. Clio rolls home on the street - it's nice and smooth and she likes to go fast. Again, one of us holds her hand but I'm sure it won't be long before she's speeding around all by herself.

Cliona graduated from pre-school on June 25th. The school had a graduation ceremony. Her class sang a song and did a dance - it was lovely. Then all the parents and kids had cake. It was nice to see everyone one last time - we are going to miss Clio's classmates and their parents. We were lucky to have a great bunch of people to share the pre-school experience with!
June also brought Cliona's second dance recital. This year she took her dance class at school so she had a great time with all of her buddies. Her class did a very cute dance to a song from the musical hairspray and afterwards we all went for the now traditional milkshake.
All the June photos are HERE
Cliona is still all about her buddy Mac. We had her little group of friends over for a play date and she had a brilliant time dressing up, playing on the swings and jumping on the trampoline. For Fathers Day we went to the ice ring and herself and Stephen had a great time on the ice. My favorite was Clio hanging onto Stephens back pockets while he skated.
Otherwise we've stayed fairly close to home the last few weeks. Clio is really into her roller skates so after dinner we like to go the little park. It's not even 1/2 mile away and it's slightly uphill on the way so Clio hangs onto our hands and is pulled up. Once we get there, she does a little skating on her own and then we all play hide-and-seek in the grass. Yes, Cliona keeps her skates on and I am pushing Brian in the stroller. Clio rolls home on the street - it's nice and smooth and she likes to go fast. Again, one of us holds her hand but I'm sure it won't be long before she's speeding around all by herself.

Cliona graduated from pre-school on June 25th. The school had a graduation ceremony. Her class sang a song and did a dance - it was lovely. Then all the parents and kids had cake. It was nice to see everyone one last time - we are going to miss Clio's classmates and their parents. We were lucky to have a great bunch of people to share the pre-school experience with!
June also brought Cliona's second dance recital. This year she took her dance class at school so she had a great time with all of her buddies. Her class did a very cute dance to a song from the musical hairspray and afterwards we all went for the now traditional milkshake.
All the June photos are HERE
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