It has been a long time since I updated the blog and I think the main reason is becasue everyone is on facebook these days and so a lot of my pictures get posted there. In saying that, it's nice to also have a written story for Cliona and Brian to look back on in years to come so here's the latest and greatest from the Philp household.
Clio and I hit the slopes a couple of weeks ago. She loved the racing me down the bunny hill and taking the magic carpet back up. She got a little ruffled on Summit run so we called it a day after that but she did not lose her mojo and is eager to get back on the slopes - hurray!

She is also getting really good at Irish dancing. She has been moved up a class and is delighted with herself. She is constantly jigging around the house and has a few good friends so I am hoping that this will stick for a while. I admit, I love bringing her and listening to the trad music every week. At home Cliona loves her screen time and the program of the month is Danny the Phantom Ghost. She is a super duper big sister - so loving and patient with Brian. It is a joy to see them together - she also likes sneak up into her bed (where Brian can't get) to play on her DS but I think her top game is still pretend play - making up stories. Herself and Stephen have a great time making up stories while she is having a shower or walking to school. I must record one soon.
Everything in school is also going well. She has lots of friends including Cassidy, Madison and Shreya. Cliona, Madison and Shreya are crazy about a sleep-over right now. They are always talking about it and just yesterday she came home with a long list of things to do on a sleepover - funny stuff!

And how about little man? Brian is train, plane and truck crazy. Loves them, loves them all. We took a trip on the metro on New Years Day and he loved it. He always stops and points and says plane when one flies overhead. Trash day is his favorite! He can talk a lot more now and is taking a lot more interest in books. Truck books are his favorite (surprise, surprise!) followed by anything pop-up, nursery rhymes and Dr Seuss. He'll sing along to row, row, row your boat and Old MacDonald. He loves being chased around the house - he laughs hysterically. He also likes to be turned upside down, jumping on the bed, being tickled (Cliona is very fond of our tickle fights too). He'll give you a kiss and hug on demand - and he's also started to just give hugs without being asked. They are the best! Love the baby - what can I say ? It's a wonderful age!