Thursday, March 03, 2011

January and February 2011

Although we were all sick at some point in January, we still managed a trip to Big Bear and another to San Jose/Monterrey. Clio is flying on her skis now, Stephen and I got to ski with her during her winter break in February. She is finished with lessons for this year, and thinks it's great when she skis faster than Mommy and Daddy. We think it's pretty cool too :)
Brian is a faster, slighter bigger version of his Christmas self. Still into everything and a little more interested in talking. We heard 'Mama', 'Dada' and 'Uh Oh' so far. He likes to be read a couple of books and loves the pop-up ones. He also loves to roll around on the bed and be tickled - that's probably his favorite right now!

Photos HERE