Saturday, December 31, 2005

Christmas in San Antonio

Clio had to have a go of Chloe's new car - and she loved it!

Went to visit the Kline clan at Chalene and Aj's lovely house. Clio and Chloe got to have a post Christmas play day.

It was great to see everyone again.

Chloe in her new groovy car.

Even the vultures have a jolly christmas feast.

Orla and Dana after shooting off 'baby giant' firework.

Stephen and Dana shooting roman candles, just before accidentally setting fire to Bill's shed.

Cliona on Christmas morning in her new outfit.

Cliona loved all her Christmas presents, especially the ones she can smack or stack.

Yeeeeee Haaaaaaw - Christmas in Texas!

We like to blow stuff up.

Clio has mastered quite a few solid foods now: toast, cherrios, fruit puffs and cottage cheese. Roxy and Sam used to sit beside Clio every mealtime - one on each side of her chair.

Cliona is still very interested in walking and can move forward now as well as backwards and sideways.

Clio with her Grandma, Grandpa and Sam.

In San Antonio a tired Clio greets her Grandma.

Playing toss the balloon with Aunt Dana.

Cliona loves riding in the grocery cart - she kicks her legs and holds on tight.

All awake now and ready to go to mass on Christmas eve.

In LAX en route to San Antonio for Christmas.

A rainy day in LA before Christmas

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Cliona was eight months old yesterday and I feel another update coming on......A happier baby you could not meet. She is all smiles for everyone these days and is a great little eater. Stephen has been giving her all sorts of real foods like toast, cottage cheese and cherrios. I've been a bit slower giving her the 'real stuff' as I'm a bit scared of the poor thing choking. So far so good though... Cliona still loves rattles - she also likes playing with plastic cups that are stackable. The soft toys are probably next and last but not least are her books - we read to her every day but she's not crazy about them. But that's not because she is a super active baby - she has shown no interest in crawling or rolling but she is fasinated with standing and walking. She holds onto our fingers and trys to walk/dance/move. We wonder if she will bypass crawling altogether and go straight to walking? One thing is for sure - we will soon find out :)

The whole clan - we think Clio is a great addition :)

We paid a visit to Dad's work so Cliona could meet some of the university staff.

Whiskey and Scotch sampling.

Playing with Ciara and Diarmuid.

Just off the train at St Stephen's Green.

Out doing a bit of Christmas shopping

Ready for a trip to the city center.

Clio having fun with Mary - she met so many new people, I think she was a little disappointed when it was just Stephen and I back in LA.

The signature "I'm tired" pose.

Cliona was really good and didn't mind being held by all her relatives - here she is with her Grand Aunt Phyllis

Eoghan and Clio

Colette and Larry having a bit of craic at Dad's 60th birthday celebration.

Dad taking a stab at his birthday cake

Eoghan and Jane

Clio loved betime in Ireland as it meant being read a story by Grandad.

Cliona and her Nan.

Last year when Michelle, Debbie and I met up we were all pregnant - this year the babies take center stage.

Thursday, December 15, 2005