Thursday, June 29, 2006
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Clio gets her hair cut

It was time for Cliona's first haircut - her hair is always in her eyes and as she loves to play with it, she doesn't tolerate any hair accessories. We had a feeling that Clio would be no trouble at the hairdressers and we were right. She was brilliant! Sucked on a comb, sat as good as gold on my knee while her hair was being cut. The hairdresser did not use a traditional scissors so there were no snipping noises to distract or terrify Clio. The new 'do' will take a bit of getting used to - it may be time to say goodbye to Clio the baby and hello to Clio the toddler!!

We all went to Torry Pines beach for the day and had a great time. Dana cured Clio of her fear of the ocean and Clio ended up paddling, having a great time. Clio and Avery got to play together in the sand, Stephen and Gk got a bit of surfing in and Kerry, Karen, Dana and I worked on our tans. Bill arrived with Greg, Zach and Madison to complete a fun, family day by the sea!