Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Avery turns 2

We headed down to San Diego to help Avery celebrate her 2nd birthday. It's hard to believe she is already two, she is talking up a storm these days and was well able to open all her presents. We had a lot of fun rough-housing and playing hide and seek. She was really excited to see Clio, as was Clio to see her. Roll on Xmas and more good times!
Monday, November 06, 2006

Cliona was a clown this year - we went trick 'r' treating and it only took a couple of houses before Clio got the hang of knocking on the doors and holding her hand out for candy. It wasn't until she got home and ate 1/2 a mini kit-kat (wrapping and all) that she realised what she was collecting was edible.