Now that the weather is warmer, we've been going to the beach more often. She knows when we get over the hill and she can see the ocean that we are on our way to the beach and shouts it from the back of the car 'Beach Mammy' 'BEACH!!'. She likes playing in the sand with her bucket and spade and loves paddling. Some days it's hard to get her to leave. Clio also loves listening to her cd's in the car. As soon as I start the engine she says 'Push the button Mammy' 'PUSH THE BUTTON'. Have you noticed the trend yet? She'll start off by saying what she wants in a normal voice and then get louder and more insistent until you either respond or do what she wants. Luckily turning on the car stereo is quick, though the kiddie music is beginning to wear a little thin! The latest milestone was turning her highchair into a toddler chair. Now she can climb up 'all by myself' and is working on learning how to buckle herself in. I know she really wants to figure it out - she gives it a try every mealtime. Clio also had her first ear of corn and loved it! She managed it fine, nibbled away happily. It's so much fun watching my little girl growing and taking on new things.