What's Cliona upto nowadays?

Pretend play - in a big way. She still likes to pretend to be Diego or Alicia from her favourite TV show and we usually save a couple of 'animals in trouble' per day. This is her favourite game to play on walks - we get to row in lakes, fly through the jungle on a zip cord and run around rescuing baby animals (they are always babies).
Another favourite is playing monsters. We chase each other around the house or sometimes she is mommy/daddy monster and we are baby monster. Sometimes we play monster hide-and-seek. The spare room is the 'monster' room where the monster has to go and count to 5 before looking for other monsters. A lot of the time when it's my turn to seek, Clio-monster will 'pretend' to be asleep in bed so I have to tip-toe and be quiet. When Stephen gets to seek, Clio and I hide under her blanket on her bed. Once we are found we run around the house, shrieking. She got a dragon-like costume for Christmas and Stephen brought an orange wig home from a hockey game so sometimes these are the monster costumes.
Cliona also likes to play role reversal. She's the Mommy and I'm Clio. She especially likes to play this game when we are in her room, playing with her dolls and kitchen. She organizes the picnic and feeds the dolls, asks me what I want etc. The important part is that I call her Mommy and she calls me Clio (she'll correct me if I forget and call her Clio - it's so cute!).
She still loves reading books, bouncing on the bed, wrestling with her daddy and swinging on her swing-set. Some things just never grow old!