Brian is 6 months old

He weighs 20lb 7oz and is 28 inches long. Our big, strong lad is well up there in the 90th percentile. He is a happy, smiley baby. Eager to put anything into his mouth, not so eager to move around. We have seen a couple of rolls but his two favorite places are still his activity mat and his bouncer. He sure loves to bounce that bouncer. He is adjusting to daycare but still has good days and bad days.
Cliona has started kindergarten and loves it. She spends her mornings in 'real' kindergarten with Mrs Wedhoff (and friends Cassidy and Katie) and her afternoons at the CDC (Child development center) with Miss Hubert. She is doing dance, art and tae kwon do in the afternoons at the CDC and she's playing soccer with her preschool friends on the weekend. She started the first couple of weeks cycling to school but has walked these last 2 weeks. We are all still getting used to the new routine and as a result the blog hasn't been updated in a while.
Life is fun but hectic! This week we went whale watching - there's a pod of blue whales off the Redondo Beach coast so we took the whole family to check them out. They only come into the bay every 20 or 30 years, when the water is very cold. It was very impressive - the whales are huge and while we didn't get close enough to get really good pics, it was amazing seeing them feed and dive and blow water out of their blowholes. We had 9 whale sightings with 7 flute (tail) sightings. The naturalist on the boat told us their heart is as big as a small car. They are the biggest animal on earth.
Cliona has started kindergarten and loves it. She spends her mornings in 'real' kindergarten with Mrs Wedhoff (and friends Cassidy and Katie) and her afternoons at the CDC (Child development center) with Miss Hubert. She is doing dance, art and tae kwon do in the afternoons at the CDC and she's playing soccer with her preschool friends on the weekend. She started the first couple of weeks cycling to school but has walked these last 2 weeks. We are all still getting used to the new routine and as a result the blog hasn't been updated in a while.
Life is fun but hectic! This week we went whale watching - there's a pod of blue whales off the Redondo Beach coast so we took the whole family to check them out. They only come into the bay every 20 or 30 years, when the water is very cold. It was very impressive - the whales are huge and while we didn't get close enough to get really good pics, it was amazing seeing them feed and dive and blow water out of their blowholes. We had 9 whale sightings with 7 flute (tail) sightings. The naturalist on the boat told us their heart is as big as a small car. They are the biggest animal on earth.
We have had a great time lately with Dana and Dave, getting ready for their wedding in October. Dana and I spent a wonderful weekend in Palm Springs with her bridesmaids and Kerry, Holly and I threw her a fun fiesta shower. Karen came all the way from Texas to make the shower really special. And Kristin surprised Dana by showing up at the shower. It was a great family weekend. Stephen and Gk joined Dave and his friends for a night on the town. Stephen's facebook update at 4am was "It's a strip club, not a petting zoo" so I think they had a good time.